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How would I treat Casey Anthony if she sat next to me in church?

I hesitate to write this for two different reasons:

1) You may be over it. You’re sick of the coverage and anything else that goes along with Casey Anthony; and/or

2) This is a controversial topic and I hate confrontation. I don’t like ruffling anyone’s feathers 🙂

Regardless of my hesitation, though, here I am … writing on this subject. And, in less than 48 hours, Casey Anthony will be a free woman.

I followed this case from the beginning. Originally, it peaked my curiosity because of my background (I majored in criminal justice and interned for a criminal defense attorney in college). Then, as months went by and thousands were searching, my heart just ached for this little girl. I prayed for her safe return. I was invested.

Then, I saw the horrible images of her mom partying. Disgust. I couldn’t even imagine a mother behaving like that when her child was missing.

So, I was drawn in and followed the case. I couldn’t watch the trial, but would get the daily recap on the news each night, after putting the kids to bed.

I was disappointed in the verdict, even angry. I told myself … don’t worry, she will face God one day and stand in judgment. I know this is harsh, but I have to admit — I even told myself she would burn in hell for killing that sweet girl.

Then, I heard a reporter say, “It will be interesting to see how the faith world will treat Casey Anthony.”

The question became personal to me, How would I treat Casey Anthony if she sat next to me in church?

I felt convicted. My anger and judgment for her didn’t reconcile with my Christian beliefs. God reminded me of the adulterous woman in John 8:1-11. To summarize, Jesus was teaching and the “religious” leaders brought in a woman caught in the act of adultery.

{Can you imagine the humiliation? Caught in the act of adultery, then brought before righteous, “holier than thou” leaders & Jesus.}

Under the law, she was to be stoned. The religious leaders asked Jesus, “Now what do you say?” They were trying to back him in a corner because if he didn’t endorse the stoning, he was breaking the law.

Jesus had an amazing response, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

One by one, the religious leaders left and no one condemned her.

Jesus then told the woman, “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.”

This is one of the many reasons I love and follow Jesus. He’s not about the “religious” law, but about forgiveness and restoration. As my pastor says, “He’s a God of second chances.” I’m so thankful for all of my second chances.

So, I’m working on my bitter feelings toward Casey Anthony. Even though she may not deserve it, I pray for her safety.

I don’t deserve anything I have, yet God always gives me a second chance.

So, now it’s your turn. What are your thoughts on this case? If you are a Christian, how would you react if Casey Anthony tried to turn her life around at your church? If you are not a Christian, how do you feel about this subject?


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